Graph Connect Multiplayer Game using Websockets via SocketIO
Developed a graph based multiplayer game that can be played over a local network using Socket IO, Python Flask Web Services.
Efficient Resource Allocation for Virtual Machine using Particle Swarm Optimization in Cloud Computing Environment
This project introduces a method for effectively allocating resources to dynamic virtual machine requests in a cloud environment, taking into account the load balancing of each physical machine. The concept of "skewness" is introduced to quantify the uneven distribution of resource usage across physical machines.
This project includes the following modules
- Introduction of the "Skewness Value" as a metric for assessing the load balancing factor of physical machine resources.
- Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) an approximation based genetic algorithm to find the effective resource allocation.
Optimal Game of Checkers
The project focuses on implementing the alpha-beta pruning algorithm to construct a game tree based on the current move in order to predict the optimal move for the machine in checkers. This project consists of the following modules
- Generation of an N-ary Game Tree containing all possible states of a checkerboard, using the current board state as input.
- A utility (payoff/heuristic) function is utilized to determine the value of terminal states.
- Estimation of the game tree based on heuristic values to identify the best possible move.
- Parallelization of the game tree generation and search process using Message Passing Interface.